Back to School
My first blog post, with my progress for the first couple of weeks.
9/1/23 - Back to School
September 1, 2023: This is the first post for my blog for my class Computer Science and Software Engineering 1.
My CSSE Story
It is currently the end of week 2 of this class and of school, and I finally have a running website. It’s been a rocky road getting tools set up and the coding environment prepared, and I’m a little behind the class. I’m excited to be moving forward with this blog and finally coding. I’ve been “coding” with Scratch for many years now, but I never took the next step to learn a more sophisticated language. In just two weeks I’ve greatly expanded my knowledge of computer science. I hope to use what I’ve learned from Scratch and apply it to a more professional coding project, although they are quite different. Here is the progress I’ve already made:
-Installed wsl -Made a github account -Learned to navigate microsoft powershell -Learned how to clone reposotories -Installed vscode -Installed Jupyter Notebooks -Installed python & java -Added extensions to vscode -Commited files to github -Made a public website -Added a snake game provided by my teacher to my website
This Week in my Life
Recently I have had some pretty exciting things happen in my life. Last Saturday I won my first Cross Country race. It was pretty exciting, and now I run with varsity at practice. I also just recently cleaned my room. My room had been messy in typical teenager fashion for a long time, and its refreshing to have a nice, open space for once. I have started a trend of being more organized in my life over the summer. This includes using the calendar on my phone, making my bed every morning, and checking my emails and text messages more often. Time management and organization has never been my thing, and I hope to change that. Back to school has been alright
Top Secret Future Plans
I already have a couple ideas of what I would like to do with this project in the future. For example, I have a variety of Scratch games that I’ve made. One of the things my teacher wants us to do this week is to add a game or application embedded into our website. I would love to convert one of my Scratch projects into html and add it to one of my pages. Also, I would love to add some functionality to my home page by displaying a link to the most recent blog, as well as a bit of information like the title and date. Lastly, I need to change this default theme.